University Education
LAPIS laboratory professors and researchers carry out teaching activities at the Department of Engineering of the University of Naples "Parthenope," particularly at the Courses of Study in Management Engineering.

Industrial Plant Management

Bachelor's Degree in Management Engineering

Curriculum in Italian lenguage

The teaching aims to provide learners with the main tools for the study of production processes, in design and management.

Management of Industrial Services

Master's Degree in Management Engineering

Curriculum in Italian lenguage

The aim of the course is to provide the general criteria, tools and methodologies for the management and operation of industrial service plants, understood as "auxiliary systems" embedded in manufacturing and/or process production systems. With this in mind, the course covers topics related to the analysis and design of industrial services with particular reference to: service improvement, safety of general plant services, integrated management of plant services and their energy optimization.

Production and Quality Management

Master's Degree in Management Engineering

Curriculum in Italian lenguage

The aim of the course is to provide learners with the main tools for planning, management and control of production and logistics processes.
With this in mind, the course covers topics related to the tools and methods for quality management: managerial tools; statistical tools; principles of advanced statistical control for processes.

Safety and Industrial Risks

Master's Degree in Management Engineering
Curriculum in Italian lenguage

The aim of the course is to provide the general criteria, tools and methodologies for the management and assessment of industrial risks. With this in mind, the course aims to deepen knowledge on basic management and application aspects related to the identification of safety conditions of industrial plants, workplaces.

Facility Planning and Design 
Master's Degree in Management Engineering
Curriculum in English lenguage

The aim of the course is to provide general criteria, tools and methodologies for the facility planning and design. In detail, the course deals with issues related to the analysis and design of industrial services with particular reference to: the improvement of services, the safety of general plant services, the integrated management of plant services and advanced and sustainable production strategies.

Operations Management
Master's Degree in Management Engineering
Curriculum in English lenguage

The course aims to provide the main tools for planning, managing and controlling production and logistics processes. In this perspective, the course deals with issues concerning the tools and methods for quality management: managerial tools; the statistical tools; principles of advanced statistical control for processes.

Our Study Courses

The Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in Management Engineering aim to train a new generation of highly specialized engineers with specialized skills in the field of management engineering.